Broken Tracking

Shining a Light on the Dark Funnel: Overcoming Attribution Challenges with MMM

How can marketers track what cannot be tracked? The ‘dark funnel’ is one of the main challenges we all face when it comes to attribution. Over the past decade, marketers have relied on digital tracking and following consumers across their entire buying journey. However, there were “blind spots” where you’d …

Shining a Light on the Dark Funnel: Overcoming Attribution Challenges with MMM Read More »

Halo effect: measuring the impact between different marketing channels

Marketing efforts in one channel can impact traffic and attribution in other channels. This positive or negative interaction between different marketing channels is called the halo effect. Here are some common examples: Measuring this impact between channels is extremely important to optimize the media mix: Heads of marketing usually allocate …

Halo effect: measuring the impact between different marketing channels Read More »

MER is a Road to Ruin

As a former agency owner, I know first-hand the importance of measuring marketing performance accurately. In the world of Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) marketing, the gurus you follow on Twitter will tell you that the Marketing Efficiency Ratio (MER) is the overriding measure of success. However if you blindly follow their advice, …

MER is a Road to Ruin Read More »

The ADPPA — Data Privacy Comes to the USA (and how not to lose sleep over it)

In July 2022, the American Data Privacy and Protection Act (ADPPA) became the first bicameral and bipartisan online privacy bill to be cleared by a House committee. The act seeks to pre-empt the patchwork of state-level privacy laws currently in place in the US, such as the California Consumer Privacy …

The ADPPA — Data Privacy Comes to the USA (and how not to lose sleep over it) Read More »

Make a business case for TOFU channels via first-touch attribution

As a content marketer working on top-of-the-funnel channels like social media, PR, podcast, etc. one of the top challenges you might be facing is showing the ROI (Return on Investment) of your work. You might know qualitatively that your content is impactful in building brand awareness and generating demand. You …

Make a business case for TOFU channels via first-touch attribution Read More »