Marketing Attribution

How Marketers Should Think About Attribution at Different Stages of Growth

Coca-Cola does not think about attribution the same way an early-stage D2C brand thinks about it. Everything is different: budgets, teams, brand recognition, channels, etc. Both are considering which initiatives are incremental, but how they go about it is an entirely different game.  Attribution is not a one-size-fits-all method, and …

How Marketers Should Think About Attribution at Different Stages of Growth Read More »

MMM 101: How to pitch your finance and executive team on Media Mix Modeling and Incrementality (Template)

If you want your company to start using MMM, you’ll have to get buy-in from your finance and your executive team, but it’s always hard to change the status quo within an organization.  This can be a real problem – especially if your executive and finance team is currently only …

MMM 101: How to pitch your finance and executive team on Media Mix Modeling and Incrementality (Template) Read More »

Integrating Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) with Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA): A Guide by Recast

Brands looking for 100% clarity in marketing measurement by using just one method won’t find it. Multi-touch attribution won’t give you that. Conversion lift studies won’t give you that. Even marketing mix modeling, which is what we focus on here at Recast, won’t give you that either.  There is not …

Integrating Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) with Multi-Touch Attribution (MTA): A Guide by Recast Read More »

What are Halo Effects and how do they impact MMM?

We live in an omni-channel world, and that has drastically changed the way consumers buy. It’s no longer a linear journey; it’s an intricate web of touch-points across online and offline channels.  So it’s no surprise that this interconnectedness means that actions in one channel can ripple across others, sometimes …

What are Halo Effects and how do they impact MMM? Read More »

Consideration period is not the same thing as advertising effect length

In the context of marketing analytics in general and marketing mix modeling in particular I often encounter confusion about the difference between the length of a consideration period for a purchase and the length of time we expect an advertisement to have an impact. These concepts are very similar, but …

Consideration period is not the same thing as advertising effect length Read More »

Does marketing mix modeling (MMM) work for multi-channel, multi-market campaigns?

Is it possible to have a multi-channel, multi-market campaign and still get actionable insight from your media mix modeling on channel efficacy? Or does a brand have to temper go-to-market speed + aggressiveness to best set the table for long-term insight? Our co-founder Michael just got this great question last …

Does marketing mix modeling (MMM) work for multi-channel, multi-market campaigns? Read More »

Google is Deprecating Cookies. How will it Impact Marketing Measurement and Marketing Mix Modeling?

For years, third-party cookies have been the backbone of digital tracking, and have enabled advertisers to tailor their strategies based on user behavior across different sites.  But things are changing: Google Chrome, used by 63.6 percent of internet users worldwide, has initiated a phase-out of third-party cookies – beginning with …

Google is Deprecating Cookies. How will it Impact Marketing Measurement and Marketing Mix Modeling? Read More »